Case Study: Lead generation of all the Baseball coaches in USA

Our client was a sports brand manufacturer based in the US. And they had a very special Lead generation requirement.

Client requirement:
The client wanted to reach out to all the Baseball and Softball coaches for the high-school level in the USA.  They had made an awesome product which they want to advertise to all the relevant audience. And they chose the route of Emails!!!

The client requirement was simple online “send a mail to all the Baseball coaches in the USA about our products”.

Our Approach:

We proposed that we break the task into a manageable one by dividing it into smaller sub-tasks.

  1. Find out total high schools in the US
  2. Find out their website
  3. Go to their website and manually look at each roster to search for the email address of the coach.
  4. Collect the database state wise
  5. And finally, send mail to them using a mass mailing software

Our implementation:

We created a team of 5 people including 4 Data entry operators and one data automation engineer (python expert).

We started by creating a program in python to scrape websites for the list of school names and websites. We collected a total of 13000 school details in such a way. But that was not over, we were only halfway.  After the role of python developer was over all the data entry operators team took over. We separated all the high-schools state by state and divided them among the team of 4. Their job was to manually open all the websites (13000 one by one) and search for the coach details.

After several days of work, we had a complete database of all the coaches in the USA, but still, a big task was remaining- E-Mailing. We worked with our client in designing an HTML formatted mail with all the standard compliance and Anti spamming rules. We ran an Email campaign for them.


By using proper mix of technology and manpower, we were able to deliver on time and with high quality.

Do you want to know how much we charged for this entire work?

Do you have something of this magnitude or even bigger?